"I'm as forward as a farmgirl at harvest" ~ Faile

Maradon is Ogier built and the capital of Saldaea
The winters are so cold that the sap sometimes freezes and the trees burst open
Main exports are ice peppers and furs and these items are very valuble
Sheep are raised in Saldaea
It is a nation in the Borderlands, ruled by a Queen, and subject to frequent Trolloc raids
There is a language of fans (used for anything from courting, to making death threats)
The ever famous sa'sara dance, noted for its indecency and outlawed though it has played a vital role in the history of Saldaea
The eldest child, regardless of gender, is trained to manage the family estates through education in accounting and trade
Saldaean girls are not taught to use the sword (but that doesn't stop them from learning to use knives)
Knives are never drawn without intent to use them
To marry, a Saldaean girl must have her mother's approval
Men propose marriage in Saldaea (in contrast to the Aiel...)
The wives of high ranking military men often ride beside their husbands in battle
Spying is considered a woman's work

All Saldaeans have tilted eyes
Many have black hair, but there are some redheads
Green eyes are not uncommon in Saldaea though dark eyes are more common
A common feature is the "bold" nose
Men wear thick, hanging moustaches